
When I lived in Nashville we had a payment structure loosely called "playing for tips" which meant that we would play for hours on end with no real guaranteed money. We would play for whatever money people would tip us. As a nineteen-year-old I was naive enough to think that if we just got up there and played well enough people would just begin to throw money at us. That it was "all about the music." I realize now, ten years later, that people didn't tip us not because the music wasn't good, but because we never asked. We never told anyone why it was a good idea to buy in to us as a band.

I'm definitely a little older and hopefully a little wiser, so I am beginning see the benefit in partnerships and shared experiences. My invitation to you is to join me in creating avenues for people to engage their own story. Whether it be through my music, my videos, my writing or my relationship, I hope you are inspired to look more deeply into your story and the stories of those around you.
